story drills fiction writing exercisesStory Drills: Fiction Writing Exercises is the second book in my series on the art of storytelling, The Storyteller’s Toolbox.

Story Drills

Stories are made up of many moving parts: plots and subplots; characters, action, and dialogue; the scenes, the setting, the prose, and more.

Developing each of these elements and then weaving them all together into a coherent narrative requires a variety of skills. And once we learn the basics, we need a lot of practice before we truly master the art of storytelling.

Story Drills is packed with fiction writing exercises that impart skills and inspire ideas for writing stories.

You’ll learn the elements, principles, and techniques of storytelling; gain experience through writing practice; and get questions for further contemplation that will lead to a deeper understanding of the craft. Story Drills is designed to be used by individual writers or in the classroom.

Take it for a test drive: the storytelling exercise “Character Arcs” is available online.

Get Your Copy Today

Are you ready to learn the craft of storytelling? Pick up your copy of Story Drills: Fiction Writing Exercises.

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